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5 Really Good Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree in Adult Education

5 Really Good Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree in Adult Education

Everyone knows that having an associates or bachelor’s degree increases your chances of getting a better job with more salary and benefits. But you might be wondering if it is worth it to get a masters degree in adult education. In the education field there are many specialties, one of which is adult education. If that is your field of study, here are some reasons that you should get your masters.

1. Money:

The primary reason that most people choose to get their master’s degrees is that they can make more money the more education that they get. A master degree exponentially increases your earning power. Your school system probably has a pay scale that has levels depending on experience and education. The difference in the amount you get without an MS and with an MS can be several thousands of dollars a year.

2. Job opportunities:

Another good reasons are protection and advancement. If you want to go farther in your job field than a teacher then you need to have more education. School and district administrators need to have higher degrees. If teaching at a college level interests you, then you need to have at least a master’s degree in education. Not only can you advance in your current job, you also have more job openings available to you if you have to leave your old job. Having that added degree will also make you more attractive if your school district has to make cuts.

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3. Licensing and continuing education:

Most state licensing boards require that teachers have to have a certain amount of continuing education each year. Going back to school to get a master’s degree in adult education is a good way to meet those requirements. Some school systems have even higher continuing educations rules for their teachers.

4. Specialization:

Getting MS degree lets you choose more specializations for your field. If you graduated with a bachelor degree in education and you want to go on to teach in adult education, then you need to have education and credentials to teach in that specialty. Having a graduate degree gives you that education and lets you get the credentials from the state. Most states and school systems will let you teach in your field as long as you are working on your post-graduate education.

5. Your personal growth:

This might not sound like the best reason, but it really is a good one. You want to challenge yourself and see how far you can go. Going on to graduate school and getting your degree in adult education shows that you can. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it straight after finishing your bachelor’s degree or if you are going back after a few years away from school, getting your degree proves to yourself that you can do it.

If you are an adult education teacher you know that you want to be the best teacher you can be. Having a master’s degree in adult education can help you with that. When you are the best teacher you are capable of being, you are then able to help your students learn what they need to be the best people they can be, too.

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