IGASENG Education

Discovery Education – Education Careers – Education Destination – Masters Education

Importance Of Education

Investigate This Self Taught Knowledge Model

Presenting a self-taught model preview to investigate different types of knowledge. Not just any kind but what you have acquired over a period of years. Have you ever thought about where knowledge goes to in your brain? What about how you remember some information and forget other data. It amazes and at the time frustrates me when I try to remember something and for the life of me cannot recall it. Then when my thoughts are on unrelated information it pops into my brain out from nowhere. I do not have all the answers but I want to check out a few thoughts on the subject.
Investigation model preview 1: Old knowledge recalled. The brain works in unusual ways. Some people are smarter than others. It is amazing to me how one person has a good memory and the next can not remember from one day to the next. It could be hereditary or maybe it is not getting the correct amount of exercise. What data is important to you will be recalled easier than data you have no interest in whatsoever. The point I am trying to make is comparing data to the food you like eat and the amount of left overs that is thrown away the part you do not like.
Investigation model preview 2: Current knowledge explored. How do really know how smart you really are? Is there a gauge to measure the depth of your sense? Have you seen a scale that weighs the information acquired over the years? This is hypothetical thinking with a desired result. It does not work that way knowledge is not measured but calculated by how much of it you can retain and recall at a moments notice.
Investigation model preview 3: New knowledge stored. Where does the new information that is learned go inside our brain? What type of storage system is used? If you are like me we are both clueless about the matter. It happens in my mind all by itself automatically. The only thing I do is read, study, and research. Usually I go over the information several times and it sticks like glue.
Investigation model preview 4: General knowledge sought after. Sometimes data that I have not used for a while gets buried underneath incoming information. That means I will need to dig it up because it is almost forgotten about. Other knowledge is camouflaged so I have to hunt very careful for it. It could be covered up and hid so well that the disguise makes it almost impossible to find.
Now is the time to go on a treasure hunt inside your mind. You will never know how much buried gold maybe found. If you go looking on purpose the more will be uncovered. Have certain information that you want revealed to expose those hiding places. Waiting will only prolong your findings and slow down the discoveries.

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