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Education Policy

Universal Truths Are the Only Truths

It never ceases to amaze me how many people believe something that is totally untrue and makes no sense whatsoever, they go online to find verification of what they believe, they find it and then think it is the gospel truth.
Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true. You can find something on the internet to backup anything you believe, that doesn’t make it true, you are only parroting what someone else believes. They just happen to believe what you think to be true. That doesn’t prove anything except for the fact that two or more people believe the same thing, regardless of it being true or not.
Truth is elusive and hard to find, there are so many illusions out there. How can we ever determine what is true and what isn’t? If we can’t find the truth on the internet, where can we find it?
The only truths are Universal Truths or the Laws of Nature or Nature’s God. They are the truths that have survived the test of time. They are the laws that state if one does a certain action, you will get a certain result, such as gravity, or if you overspend as a person or country you will suffer the consequences.
These laws cannot be changed by congress or the supreme court. They are unchangeable, regardless if you believe them or not. If you disobey the laws, you will be punished, no if’s and’s or but’s.
These are the laws handed down by God, and preserved through the ages by many of the so-called “secret” societies. These are the laws that are given in the bible as well as many other religious and spiritual writings.
There is nothing mystical or secret about them. The only reason they are secret is because so many people are never exposed to them or if they are, they ignore them and think the laws don’t apply to them. Boy are they in for a surprise!
The sad part about it, one doesn’t even need to go looking for them, they are buried deep inside each and everyone of are the God Within, or our conscience. All we need to do is look within and they will be revealed to us.
How simple is that? Just park your ego at the door and go with what deep down inside you know to be true. Follow that simple rule and you will never go wrong.

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